Swimming Pool Filtration

Swimming pool filtration

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  1. Dadman

    7 years back

    One Great Filter

    I upgraded to this sand filter over 30 days ago, and all i could say is, Wow, i will have done this sooner. Filtering is a piece of cake. Back cleansing easy. I take advantage of to fear springtime with my old cartridge filter system. Any longer. I really look forward to handling the pool today.

  2. BigTymer

    9 years ago

    High Quality Product

    The filter had been very easy to put in and works great with my pump from my past system. It's very durable and I have however having a single issue with it. The water clarity is the best its been since I have've had the share.

  3. poolnut

    an excellent filter

    Great filter!! conserved my nasty share and worked very well. I have absolutely no bad reviews about it filter. It rapidly washed up a pool which was green and yucky from leaves. Used to do need to net the leaves away, nevertheless filter and chemicals did the others.

  1. Njpoolguy

    Love this filter

    Once again everyone loves this hayward filter.. its so darn an easy task to keep. i buy into the individual above and i recommend to all my clients to always buy an extra cartridge. because of this once the you're dirty u pull it, place in the clean one, and then clean the dirty one whenever u have 10mins..also, when its time for you replace one of them DONT THROW IT AWAY! ensure that it stays so when u open your share in the springtime place the "older" cartridge in until u have the pools cleaned up.. after that throw-in the latest cartridge. ... find out more keeps the new one... newer :) atleast when a season i take-all of my consumers filters and drench all of them in a single day in "natural chemistrys" filter cleaner... pulls out all the oil, sun block, tanning oil and grime that an ordinary spray down using hose cannot get.

  2. hsm1

    two years ago

    Haywood Cartridge Pool Filter

    This system is great. Installation was effortless. We sized water flow on the return and it's also 3 x the things I ended up being getting with a sand filter.

  3. ducko

    Great Buy

    This filter had been an easy task to hook up use and clean. It cleans twice as good as my old sand filter.

See also:
  • https://manualmachine.com/
Source: www.intheswim.com
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Swimming Pool Filters by Vardhman Chemi-Sol Industries ...
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